February 14, 2003

Yay a weekend, boo a weekend

Well the weekend is here and I'm thankful. Its been a long week between work and school. I prevailed with my battle over the ldap server and importing some ldifs. The mail server project is still a work in progress. Qmail's isn't looking up the users in openldap properly yet. Documentation sucks, and setup sucks for the combination if you ask me. Ldap is beyond explation, in concept its pretty simple, implementing it with a large user database from an existing ldap server is another story. I'm sure it will seem easier once I get it all figured out but so far its an enormous pain in the ass, although it looks like it will be cool once its up and running.

I'm also kind of let down this weekend though. I was really looking forward to spending some time with a friend I haven't seen in months later this weekend. Sadly though I got a call telling me that its not going to work out this weekend. I've thought a few times that we'd get together but it never works out after we talked about it. I don't know if I'm looking too far into it but maybe I should take it as a hint and just quit asking. I try to pick up on things but I'll admit I can be a little naive when someone tries to drop a hint or something. I'd like to think thats not what it is but you have to figure that during like 6 months something could have worked out sometime. You just never want to think that someone you consider to be a good friend wouldn't want to see you but I guess thats the way it goes sometimes.

Posted by johnm at February 14, 2003 07:59 PM
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