January 13, 2003

Its been a while....

Well its been a while since my last post but not much has been happening. I'm been putting in some long days at work setting up some stuff on our freebsd servers. Now it looks like that doesn't matter since we're getting in some new hard drives and raid controller cards and I'll probably just blow them away. Ahhh well. :)

I went out on Saturday and bought most of my books for this semester and took the usual raping by the bookstore. The little card stapled to the receipt tries to comfort you in your post-assault condition by saying how you can sell them back at the end of the semester. It sounds like a good idea initially but once you go to the book store with your books and are offered 15% of their cost its more like vigorously rubbing salt in the wound. I always thought credit card companies knew how to rip people off and make some easy money, I've since added college book stores to the list as well.

I stayed home this weekend and cleaned up the apartment since it was in dire need. Everythings looking pretty good now, although I do need another bookcase and give Chuck his VCR back that I guess I've had since the last time I saw him in November. I should have washed my car too since it looks like some ass threw a strawberry shake on the passenger side door but it was cold and I wasn't feeling quite that ambitious.

I'm both eager and apprehensive about class starting tomorrow. This will be the first time in over a year that I've been in school full time again. I really dislike school and would prefer even my job over it just about any day. Even so I realize I'll have alot better earning potential with at least a BS so I consider it taking me that much closer. I think I'd be more eager with a more challenging degree program but it would take me too long to meet the math requirements for something like CS. Do your math homework everyone!

I've also been researching different banks to try to get a student loan from lately. With my hours being cut in half due to school, I'm going to be in a severe money pinch in a couple weeks. I think I'm going to cash out a whole life insurance policy I have since I can't think of a good reason to keep it, but it won't even cover half of this semester's tuition so I can't float on that very long.

I'm also debating trying to make it to DefCon in Las Vegas this year. It looks like it will interfere with final exams for the summer semester so I'm not sure that I'll able to make it or not yet. I'll just wait things out and see how it goes but as much as I'd like to go, I think I'd rather get my degree done with first.

I'm still trying to get used to the whole blogging thing too. I partially feel like going more indepth and personal with this since thats the whole point, but on the other hand I know friends, and maybe even family and co-workers read or may wind up reading this. That makes me a bit more hesitant to share too much but I think I'm going to try get over that and just post what I'm thinking. So if you fall into one of the above catagories, be warned that if you read here in the future to not blame me for what I'm thinking and most importantly don't take them for meaning all that much.

I also think I'm going to start saving and looking on ebay for some hardware for this box. I need to come up with a better backup solution that my "tar it up and scp it somewhere from time to time" thing. There is no sensitive information or anything like that here, but just thoughts of mine here, and memories in the pictures I have stored and its something that I'd like to know I can preserve. I'm thinking raid 1 with a cd-r or maybe just a tape drive......

Also I noticed going through the web server logs that I'm getting some hits from others in Carbondale (if you're on dsl and with a certain ISP that I don't work for) say hi or something. :)

Posted by johnm at January 13, 2003 12:16 AM
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